Sunday, November 3, 2013

Holiday Weekend

This past Friday was "Todos Santos" (All Saints Day), also known as the day after Halloween. In Spain, this day is a national holiday so I didn't have school on Friday.

Halloween night there was a fiesta, but not a big one like for Pilar. Much of the partying was held in bars. Some kids go trick or treating here for Halloween, but it's not as big as it is in the States. Also, all those Halloween themed movies that many television stations play around that time, well, they just don't play them here. This fact bummed me out a bit because I actually like Halloween movies, and I'm not just talking about scary horror movies. Even just the creepy movies that are really more for fun I enjoy watching. Honestly, whose inner child doesn't like watching the Disney movie "Halloweentown" around this time of year?

Back on topic, All Saints Day is celebrated here as a time to remember your family that has passed away. Many people go to the graveyard and put flowers on their family graves. No, this is not "Dia de los Muertos", that's not a Spanish thing. , just in case if you were wondering.

Yesterday Alex, Grace, and I went hiking with my host dad. The trek took most of the morning. When we reached our destination we had a picnic with Alex's host parents and host sister who had driven to the top of the mountain. It was a lovely day and a brilliant view. However, I'm disappointed that walking all yesterday morning isn't doing much for me. I work out two or three times a week, and we often go hiking on the weekends, but my ten pounds of exchange weight won't. come. off. I know that it's supposed to come off when I get back because my diet will be back to normal, but that doesn't make the fact that my jeans are getting a little tight any less annoying.

Today I ate squid for lunch (yummy!). I don't have any plans for the rest of the day so I think I'll just apply for a few scholarships and enjoy the fact that all my homework is done. Maybe I'll even watch a movie later. I think Indiana Jones might be playing.

Happy Sunday!

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