Sunday, November 17, 2013

A Random Mess of Things

Now that I'm involved in so many things here I'm very busy during the week. However, there was a lot of extra things stacked on top of the usual business this week.

I had a test in English last week, which we got back on Friday. I got everything perfect except for one word. I spelled behavior wrong. By wrong I mean not the proper British spelling of behavior (which is behaviour for anyone who wants to know). That same Friday I also had tests in Geography and Math. I'm fairly sure Math went well because I was able to answer all of the questions. My correctness in my answers are still in question, but I know for sure that Geography went worse. I was only able to answer about half of the questions; partially because I have a hard time memorizing five pages of vocabulary definitions in Spanish and partially because the questions on the test didn't translate well (I was using a dictionary).

On a colder note, there is snow on the mountains! Check it out!!!

I'm not sure if I love it because it looks so beautiful or hate it because I can actually see winter physically creep closer to my town. I guess, in some ways, it's better than Wisconsin where the weather just can't make up its mind.

One more exciting thing that happened this weekend, I sprained my ankle. When it happened it hurt a lot, but I've had worse injuries before that I've lived through just fine. I decided to continue going about my business like it wasn't bothering me, but people noticed (and by people I mean Grace's host parents because my host parents were in Huesca on Saturday). We ended up going to the Emergency Room, basically against my will because 1. I don't like hospitals and 2. being from a country where Emergency Room visits are very expensive, I am rather hesitant to visit one unless I absolutely cannot live through the pain. However, this trip happened to be free of charge, which made me feel better about Grace's host parents going through the trouble of taking me on this unfortunate adventure. Anyways, a short trip to the hospital and a few x-rays later it turned out that I hadn't broken anything, but the nurse wrapped my ankle and we were on our way. Since my host parents had told me that I could do anything that I wanted with my Saturday afternoon while they were out, a trip to the hospital was not exactly what I had in mind. However, because my left foot is now a mess of athletic tape and gauze, I had to take a shower tonight with a very attractive yellow garbage bag tapped around my leg. Very sexy.

Anyways, tomorrow is Monday, which means school, of course. Fortunately, my foot is healing fast and I will easily be able to walk to school tomorrow.

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