Sunday, November 10, 2013


Other than the fact that I went to a fiesta last night in a small pueblo very close to Sabi, my weekend wasn't particularly exciting. However, my weekdays were much more post worthy.

Ever since school started here back in September my host parents tried finding activities for me to do and reminded me to get involved. Not only was this a good thing because of what Rotary expects of their exchange students, but also because my host mom kept saying that spending too much time cooped up in the house makes you go crazy, which has been known to happen to me. Before this week I had gone out with friends and gone to fiestas to "get involved", but it wasn't until this week that I finally started to get busy.

This Friday was the first real meeting of my school's theater group. Since all of the kids in that group are potterheads (Harry Potter fans), I couldn't help but feel like these were my people. On top of that, like all theater kids, they are all crazy and loud and full of energy. I felt right at home participating in acting exercises. Also, Grace's host mom signed Grace and me up for a painting class that started this week. Even though the classes are on Tuesdays and Thursdays before I go to the gym for Spinning classes, I don't mind having two days of my week crowded by these activities. Honestly, I didn't even realize how much I missed taking high school art classes until I started these painting classes. I'm really disappointed that art classes are not available to my grade here, but these classes make up for it.

Anyways, here are some "exclusive" pictures. They are from various occasions and have not been posted anywhere else by me. The reason why I didn't post them sooner was because they were on my phone, and I had to figure out how to get them onto my computer.

Picture from my 18th Birthday


Look at the pretty mountains!!! What a great hike!

Speaking of mountains, there are some really big mushrooms up there!

Hope you enjoy the pics. Maybe I'll have more content in the next post. Well, there is another theater group practice next week. Who knows what could happen!

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