Sunday, November 24, 2013

More to Come

If I can be completely honest here, I'm just flat-out running out of ideas on what to write about on my blog. Now that I'm well adjusted to everything putting the effort in to make a post every week is becoming very tedious. However, I'm still putting forth the effort because  1. I promised to update every week, and  2. things are about to get a little crazy around here.

In the next coming weekends I might not be able to post on Sundays because I have school trips, vacations, and holiday things all happening within the next month. I don't know which weekends I'll be gone on Sunday, specifically. But this is just a warning/apology to everyone who reads my blog on a weekly basis. If I don't update on a Sunday it's probably because I'll actually have a story worthy of being posted to share with you.

I anticipate lots of holiday related stories and culture shock to come soon.

Thanks for your cooperation!

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