Sunday, November 24, 2013

More to Come

If I can be completely honest here, I'm just flat-out running out of ideas on what to write about on my blog. Now that I'm well adjusted to everything putting the effort in to make a post every week is becoming very tedious. However, I'm still putting forth the effort because  1. I promised to update every week, and  2. things are about to get a little crazy around here.

In the next coming weekends I might not be able to post on Sundays because I have school trips, vacations, and holiday things all happening within the next month. I don't know which weekends I'll be gone on Sunday, specifically. But this is just a warning/apology to everyone who reads my blog on a weekly basis. If I don't update on a Sunday it's probably because I'll actually have a story worthy of being posted to share with you.

I anticipate lots of holiday related stories and culture shock to come soon.

Thanks for your cooperation!

Sunday, November 17, 2013

A Random Mess of Things

Now that I'm involved in so many things here I'm very busy during the week. However, there was a lot of extra things stacked on top of the usual business this week.

I had a test in English last week, which we got back on Friday. I got everything perfect except for one word. I spelled behavior wrong. By wrong I mean not the proper British spelling of behavior (which is behaviour for anyone who wants to know). That same Friday I also had tests in Geography and Math. I'm fairly sure Math went well because I was able to answer all of the questions. My correctness in my answers are still in question, but I know for sure that Geography went worse. I was only able to answer about half of the questions; partially because I have a hard time memorizing five pages of vocabulary definitions in Spanish and partially because the questions on the test didn't translate well (I was using a dictionary).

On a colder note, there is snow on the mountains! Check it out!!!

I'm not sure if I love it because it looks so beautiful or hate it because I can actually see winter physically creep closer to my town. I guess, in some ways, it's better than Wisconsin where the weather just can't make up its mind.

One more exciting thing that happened this weekend, I sprained my ankle. When it happened it hurt a lot, but I've had worse injuries before that I've lived through just fine. I decided to continue going about my business like it wasn't bothering me, but people noticed (and by people I mean Grace's host parents because my host parents were in Huesca on Saturday). We ended up going to the Emergency Room, basically against my will because 1. I don't like hospitals and 2. being from a country where Emergency Room visits are very expensive, I am rather hesitant to visit one unless I absolutely cannot live through the pain. However, this trip happened to be free of charge, which made me feel better about Grace's host parents going through the trouble of taking me on this unfortunate adventure. Anyways, a short trip to the hospital and a few x-rays later it turned out that I hadn't broken anything, but the nurse wrapped my ankle and we were on our way. Since my host parents had told me that I could do anything that I wanted with my Saturday afternoon while they were out, a trip to the hospital was not exactly what I had in mind. However, because my left foot is now a mess of athletic tape and gauze, I had to take a shower tonight with a very attractive yellow garbage bag tapped around my leg. Very sexy.

Anyways, tomorrow is Monday, which means school, of course. Fortunately, my foot is healing fast and I will easily be able to walk to school tomorrow.

Sunday, November 10, 2013


Other than the fact that I went to a fiesta last night in a small pueblo very close to Sabi, my weekend wasn't particularly exciting. However, my weekdays were much more post worthy.

Ever since school started here back in September my host parents tried finding activities for me to do and reminded me to get involved. Not only was this a good thing because of what Rotary expects of their exchange students, but also because my host mom kept saying that spending too much time cooped up in the house makes you go crazy, which has been known to happen to me. Before this week I had gone out with friends and gone to fiestas to "get involved", but it wasn't until this week that I finally started to get busy.

This Friday was the first real meeting of my school's theater group. Since all of the kids in that group are potterheads (Harry Potter fans), I couldn't help but feel like these were my people. On top of that, like all theater kids, they are all crazy and loud and full of energy. I felt right at home participating in acting exercises. Also, Grace's host mom signed Grace and me up for a painting class that started this week. Even though the classes are on Tuesdays and Thursdays before I go to the gym for Spinning classes, I don't mind having two days of my week crowded by these activities. Honestly, I didn't even realize how much I missed taking high school art classes until I started these painting classes. I'm really disappointed that art classes are not available to my grade here, but these classes make up for it.

Anyways, here are some "exclusive" pictures. They are from various occasions and have not been posted anywhere else by me. The reason why I didn't post them sooner was because they were on my phone, and I had to figure out how to get them onto my computer.

Picture from my 18th Birthday


Look at the pretty mountains!!! What a great hike!

Speaking of mountains, there are some really big mushrooms up there!

Hope you enjoy the pics. Maybe I'll have more content in the next post. Well, there is another theater group practice next week. Who knows what could happen!

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Holiday Weekend

This past Friday was "Todos Santos" (All Saints Day), also known as the day after Halloween. In Spain, this day is a national holiday so I didn't have school on Friday.

Halloween night there was a fiesta, but not a big one like for Pilar. Much of the partying was held in bars. Some kids go trick or treating here for Halloween, but it's not as big as it is in the States. Also, all those Halloween themed movies that many television stations play around that time, well, they just don't play them here. This fact bummed me out a bit because I actually like Halloween movies, and I'm not just talking about scary horror movies. Even just the creepy movies that are really more for fun I enjoy watching. Honestly, whose inner child doesn't like watching the Disney movie "Halloweentown" around this time of year?

Back on topic, All Saints Day is celebrated here as a time to remember your family that has passed away. Many people go to the graveyard and put flowers on their family graves. No, this is not "Dia de los Muertos", that's not a Spanish thing. , just in case if you were wondering.

Yesterday Alex, Grace, and I went hiking with my host dad. The trek took most of the morning. When we reached our destination we had a picnic with Alex's host parents and host sister who had driven to the top of the mountain. It was a lovely day and a brilliant view. However, I'm disappointed that walking all yesterday morning isn't doing much for me. I work out two or three times a week, and we often go hiking on the weekends, but my ten pounds of exchange weight won't. come. off. I know that it's supposed to come off when I get back because my diet will be back to normal, but that doesn't make the fact that my jeans are getting a little tight any less annoying.

Today I ate squid for lunch (yummy!). I don't have any plans for the rest of the day so I think I'll just apply for a few scholarships and enjoy the fact that all my homework is done. Maybe I'll even watch a movie later. I think Indiana Jones might be playing.

Happy Sunday!