Monday, September 23, 2013

In My Defense My Weekend Was Great.

So...some of you noticed that I forgot to update my blog last night. Might I just say oops, and I had a very eventful weekend.

On Saturday there was an End of the Summer Fiesta at a "discoteca" in town. Alex (my friend and fellow exchange student from Rhode Island) was visiting some of her extended host family in Zaragoza over the weekend, so Grace and I met up with the "chicas" and spend the night hanging out and dancing, in my case, badly. The funny thing about fiestas here is that the time where most parties end in the States these fiestas have barely gotten started. Keeping in mind that this is normal within the Spanish society, I'm still not accustomed to it. All of the school dances I've gone to I stayed until the end, but here I'm the girl who always leaves several hours before everyone else.

Anyways, Sunday morning I woke up at about 10:45 and went downstairs for a bite of breakfast before the rest of the family comes over for "la Comida" as they always do on Sundays. When I appeared in the kitchen my host mom commented in Spanish that I was up early. I laughed and agreed as usual because I can't really explain yet why dragging my sleepy head out of bed at 11 am. is unusual for me. In fact, my habit of waking up early and leaving fiestas in the wee hours of the morning is only two of the many habits of mine considered abnormal here. Normally, I let my hair air-dry after taking a shower which causes a little confusion the mornings I wash my hair then take Nala for a walk right after. Most people blow dry their hair here, but it's more than that. Everyone seems to be genuinely concerned that I might get cold if I step outside with wet hair. Sure, we're in the mountains, but it's not even that cold yet. Every time I leave the house everyone asks me if I have my house key and a jacket. I do appreciate the thought, because it's better to be prepared, but I'm just not going to get cold walking down to the post office on a 68 degree morning. Though it does get cold here it doesn't get nearly as cold as Wisconsin can. The "soy de Wisconsin" excuse generally gets the point across that I don't freeze easily, but hey, I'm not complaining. I find the whole scenario quite funny.

School also stared last Thursday. The first two days were difficult because I had a hard time understanding what the teachers were saying, and I couldn't understand everything unless I was in English class. It also didn't help that all of the teachers were itching to ask me questions about where I was from in the United States. The problem is that most people here have no clue where Wisconsin is in the States. In fact, unlike some of my fellow exchange students from my area, I can't even say that I live near Chicago because most people don't know where that is either. The best I can do is say that Wisconsin is in the middle of the U.S. and in the north by Canada. Their next comment is that it must be cold where I live.

No matter how hard the first two days were, school is only getting easier for me. Everyone in my class seems to realize that I understand a lot more Spanish than I can communicate. I'm not entirely lost during lessons despite the fact that I have to, on occasion, ask the person next to me what the homework assignment is for that night. The homework load is a lot lighter, but I also have to factor in that the school day is an hour shorter than Slinger High School, and everyone has only six classes a day. Mondays are pretty great for me, though, because most people take a religion class in school, but it is not required. Since I'm not taking it I don't have any class for the last period on Mondays, which means that I get to walk home early. It's nice to walk home with my few Spanish friends who are also not taking Religion. The town is nearly deserted at 1:30 because most adults are at work and all the kids are still in school. It's quite peaceful walking along the sidewalk and chatting about my classes while the little lizards sunning themselves on the hot concrete scurry under the overgrown, dried out brush on the side of the road.

Overall, very satisfying weekend. If you guys have any questions you want me to write about feel free to message me somehow.

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