Sunday, September 8, 2013

Blog Days

Today is Sunday, which here, just like in the United States, is a day to kind of hang out and relax. It's nice because I have time to update my blog and not feel like I'm avoiding the outside world. For my host family it's normal for my host dad's brother, his wife and their kids to come over for "la Comida" which is the largest meal of the day in Spain, normally eaten a few hours later than the time we would eat lunch. For the first time I ate rabbit. It was really good, not too different from barbecue. Not that people don't eat rabbit in the States. However, I did explain to my host parents that it's not typical and that you can't usually buy rabbit at the butchers. My host cousins are younger than me and very nice. After "la Comida" they taught me some Spanish card games. It took a while for me to understand the object of the games, but once I got it I realized the two games we played were very similar to B.S. and Old Maid.

Last night the Rotary host parents threw a party at my place for the three exchange students in Sabinanigo (me, Grace from Ohio, and Alex from Rhode Island). So much food, and it was all great; especially my host mom's tiramisu. Even if it looks strange I want to try as many new foods as possible. Two days ago I had melon con jamon which is sweet Spanish melon topped with slices of Spanish ham. It's certainly the most unusual thing I've tried so far, but it's also one of my favorites!

I'm also diving into reading some books in Spanish. Between my host brother (currently at the University in Zaragoza) and my host sister I have plenty of options for a year, including the entire Harry Potter series! Thank you Manuel!

I should probably mention we went hiking two days ago, too. The sights were beautiful! The buildings are an abandoned village in the mountains! Check it out! But, apparently I need hiking boots. I'll also send out those letters I've been meaning to send, tomorrow. I'm pretty sure the post office is closed today, but at least I know where it is now!

Since it appears I will have a good amount of free time on Sundays, even during the school year, I will probably continue posting on that day. Until next time!

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