Wednesday, September 4, 2013

I'm Here!

After three airplanes and seven time zones I touched down across the pond in Madrid, Spain. My host parents greeted me at the airport and we drove for about three to four hours towards France into the Pirenes Mountains. It's absolutely beautiful here, and after a hot home cooked meal, sleeping on a bed, and a nice shower, I feel a lot more comfortable...and smell a lot less like an airplane.

The fact that I have everything unpacked makes my room feel a little more my own, especially because I hung up all of my Harry Potter posters. The fact that this room is painted the same shade of blue as my room back in the States and the desk is stocked with art supplies helps, too. My host mom mentioned when I unpacked that I organized my things the same way her daughter (currently Rotary Youth Exchange in Pennsylvania), Victoria, does. I guess certain things have a place that feels right, like putting your sunglasses on the shelf above the desk.

One of my main concerns when I came off the plane in Madrid was that I could barely understand what my host parents were saying. At first I thought it was because I didn't know as much Spanish as I thought I did. It helped that my host parents know enough English to communicate something when I was entirely clueless. Luckily, I am starting to pick up on the language. I guess my mind was so tired from the flight that translating anything that I didn't learn in my first year of Spanish was too difficult.

My host mom took today off of work, so we went to the supermarket this morning. Guess what was on a shelf next to the Nutella. My good old friend, peanut butter! I guess it was fate because my host mom said that she had never seen crema de cacahuete it before.

Tomorrow both of my host parents have to work, so it's just me and the dog until they come home. We'll see how it goes!

Now that all of us from District 6270 are abroad I can say to you all, and to everyone back home...

Happy adventures!!!

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