Sunday, September 15, 2013


I'm just about ready to turn in for the night over here, but before I do I should at least highlight my first Spain Orientation Weekend.

On Friday morning us three exchange students in the town of Sabinanigo woke up bright and early to catch a bus to take us to Madrid (which is about four hours south of us by road), meeting other exchange students and rebound students along the way. Most of us are from the United States, including a girl from Hawaii, but there were also students from Canada, Austria, and even Japan. We encountered people from Facebook groups and re-encountered others we had meet at conferences back in the States.

One mode of transportation or another, all of us converged to Madrid where we climbed on a bus and rode for two hours out of the heart of Spain's capital city, taking us to a location somewhere in the wilderness a few miles outside Madrid city limits. The first night was freezing as we huddled in the provided tents, but the second night we all moved to a large cottage house about a mile down the dirt road from our first campsite.

Most of the information presented to us about the dos and don'ts of a successful year we had heard countless times already from previous orientations, but we also got to meet our Host District Counselors in person. Taking pictures of the views on Saturday afternoon's hike and exchanging pins and business cards with new people was an added bonus.

1 comment:

  1. Wow!! Unbelievable! I'm so happy for you that you get to undertake such an amazing experience. Seems like yesterday you were just a little bean sprout, now you're traveling the globe looking for adventures.

    Totally make the most of it...and keep blogging!!

    - You're sort of unclely-cousin Jared
