Sunday, February 9, 2014


Except for the very unlikely chance that you live under a rock (a fact I highly doubt if you are reading this post) the Sochi Winter Olympic Games started this weekend. The winter Olympics aren't very big in Spain this year because there aren't many Spanish athletes involved in winter sports. However, if the game is soccer, you can bet the whole country will be watching. Still, this fact doesn't keep me from being glued to the television when all of the skating, skiing, snowboarding, and hockey events are on.

What's fun about the Olympics for me back in the States is that, especially in the winter when we can't really do much, it's the only time where we all sit and watch sports as a family. Normally we don't watch a lot of sports. My dad and grandpa follow college basketball, and we keep up during football season. My sisters and I sometimes turn on a tennis match when none of our shows are on, but we generally don't watch a lot of sports; at least compared to some. The Olympics have always been the exception to that, and I love it! It doesn't even matter if my home country is anywhere close to winning or not. I'm the sort of person who will be like "Oh! Japan is doing well. Go Japan!" or sit there absolutely amazed by a couple of figure skaters and not even caring that they are the rival team from Russia. I just have so much fun watching.

On Friday I had a test in philosophy. Most of my classes I do okay in now, but I must admit that I'm pretty confident in my ability to fail every test in philosophy. Lucky for me, the teacher is nice and just gives me "sufficiente" on everything.

Yesterday Alex, Grace, and I went with one of our friends, Maria, to see Paranormal Activity. Alex is the kind of person who doesn't get freaked out by those sorts of movies. Maria and Grace, on the other hand were clutching Alex the whole time. Honestly, I was mildly bored by the movie. No offense to anyone who loves Paranormal Activity, but I just found it too typical of a scary movie and very predictable. However, there was one group of girls sitting in front of us who were even more scared than Grace and Maria. They were fun to watch. I also enjoyed listening to the commentary of a teenage boy sitting behind me with his girlfriend. He basically narrated the movie out loud in Spanish. As we left the movie, my stomach decided that the popcorn wasn't sitting to well and I promptly threw up into an empty popcorn container. Surprisingly enough, I wasn't as concerned about that as I probably should have been, but I think I was just glad to finally know why I wasn't feeling too great during the last half hour of the movie. Anyways, we had a sleepover at what used to be my house but is now Grace's house because not only was she still freaked out by the movie, but we decided it would be fun.

Jump to today where I slept in, went hiking this afternoon, and now have to try and write an essay for my college before bed.

Enjoy the Games!

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