Sunday, February 16, 2014

La Dama Boba

I had to wait a lot longer to post this than I had initially planned, but it took me this long to finally get to a computer.

My new host parents took me to Huesca where Santiago´s parents live to have lunch with them. It was a bit of a special meal because this was the first time I got to meet Santi´s parents in person. What I didn´t realize was that this visit would last from before lunch (about 2:00 p.m.) until into the night. It´s currently 7:00 as I type this on my new host grandparent´s tiny little laptop (basically it´s one of those pesky netbooks they sometimes have us use at school back home, for the benefit of those who know what I´m talking about). Either way, I´m glad to finally have the internet access because considering the fact that my host parents and grandparents just went to church, I have a feeling I´m still going to be here for a while.

I´m currently having a hard time reacounting everything that I did this week. I think it has to do with the fact that I didn´t sleep very well last night. You see, my first host family went to Zaragoza for the weekend, so my previous host family, because of the fact that they are such good friends of theirs, took their dog, Nala, for the weekend. Since I spent several months living in the same house as Nala, she still considers me a member of her pack. She did not leave my side for the entirety of Saturday, and continued to follow me around this morning. That itself wasn´t a problem because I love Nala, and she basically just chilled out underneath my desk most of the day. However, last night Nala still refused to leave my bedroom. I even left my door open (which is asking for trouble in the form of my current family´s dog, Leo, who likes to eat out of my trash) so she could go down to the kitchen where we had put her bed, but she refused to leave my room. I wouldn´t have been bothered by this if Nala hadn´t spent most of the night pacing around my room or growling every time Leo passed by. Despite the fact that I took a nap this afternoon, I´m still a little hazy.

This Friday Alex and I had theater practice. We´re doing a play called "La Dama Boba". From what I know, it´s a very famous play that was written in either the 15th or 16th century by a very famous Spanish writer. The entire play is written in verse, so the best I can do is compare it to Shakespeare. Alex and I were given the very small roles in the play of the teachers. I´m not complaining because it means that I get to have just as much fun watching the play as being on stage, and I don´t have paragraphs of difficult lines to memorize.

Last night the theater group got together again, and we went to Jaca where a traveling theater group was performing the same play that we are practicing. The group had a very interesting take on it, making it feel like something that you would see performed by a traveling company back in the 1930´s or 40´s. It´s sort of a difficult thing for me to explain, so I´ll just say that you had to be there to understand the brilliance of what this group had done to a classic "Spanish Shakespeare" play. I doubt anyone in the audience didn´t laugh at least once. Anyways, afte the play we got to meet the cast and talk to them about the performance. It was wonderful and very interesting, but we didn´t get home until late that night (midnight).

I could continue to talk about the homework and tests I had to take this week, but I shant bore you with those details.

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