Sunday, January 12, 2014

Jaca, Tapas, and Expectations

Back to school, again. Ugh! Life was so much easier when I didn't have to wake up before sunrise.

Anyways, things have wound down after the holiday season, which means that everything is pretty much back to normal around here. I've also been a bit sick lately, so I'm sorry if I end up rambling. I still can't quite think straight.

School started back up on Tuesday, so I (unlike everyone in Wisconsin) had to wake up early and head over to school. Nothing much interesting happened this past week in terms of school, but I do have to present a Power Point some time either this week or next week about the geography of Wisconsin.

Friday night I just hung around the house and sketched. Saturday was a bit more interesting. I went to the first theater group meeting since before the holidays. We read aloud scripts this week. I was only given smaller parts, but I didn't mind because I tend to get caught up on strange words when I'm reading aloud in Spanish. Anyways, they were very fun to do. That afternoon Alex, Grace and I headed over to Jaca to hang out. Grace took the opportunity to talk about the fact that she was disappointed that she hadn't really made a close Spanish friend yet. It turns out Alex was disappointed about the same thing. I found that I wasn't quite sure what they were talking about. I guess that coming in to this experience I had never actually expected to make close friends, even though I would have liked to. I mean, of course I wanted to make friends, but I wasn't expecting to meet someone where four months later I could call up my host parents and say "Hey, I'm headed over to so-and-so's house after school. I'll be back by dinner". The kind of friend where I feel more comfortable at their house than at my own.

After all of that, the three of us went back to Sabi in time to catch the last half hour of a soccer game. Soccer is, as many of you know, a big sport in Spain, so that night we had Alex's host parents and some family friends over at our house to watch the game before dinner. We ate tapas, including some of the meat that my parents ordered from my relatives in Austria (they own a company).

Today I hung around the house again. I finished my project for Geography and watched Ender's Game in Spanish. The movie was very fascinating. I should really pick up the book (or, at least, I would if I wasn't trying to improve my Spanish).

See you all next week.

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