Sunday, January 19, 2014

I Have Too Many Things

I don't know why, but ever since I've come here all of my things seem to keep breaking.

First it was my watch. The battery died within the first month I was here. Then the chain on my favorite necklace broke. The cell phone I was given here is several years old and barely holds a charge. Now the back is falling off to the point where I have to tape it together. It's a good thing the original owner of the phone doesn't want it back. My sneakers look fine, but I only used them to play tennis back in the States so the bottoms are so worn out now that I'm not sure they will make it until EuroTour. My boots are even worse off, falling apart at the seams. I'm pretty sure my purse is almost done for. Also, I might just ditch half of the clothes that I brought here because they are all starting to fall apart, too.

Not to mention the fact that people here keep giving me jewelry as gifts when what I really want is peanut butter and scholarship money. Not that I'm complaining about getting nice things as gifts. I just need the scholarship money more.

Luckily, my host mom is very willing to take me clothes shopping. In fact, we went to Huesca yesterday to buy me new boots. I like these ones a lot more than my old ones anyways. The thing is, this is the time of year that everything is on sale here in Spain. Though I would have paid for the boots myself, my host mom insisted they were a late Reyes Magos present. I'll find a way to pay them back later.

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