Monday, June 2, 2014

La Dama Boba

Wow, this weekend sure was a buy one.

After dress rehearsals all week, we finally got to our performance of "La Dama Boba" on Friday. Over all, I think it was a good performance. For a lot of these students, it was their first play (including me if you count that it was in Spanish and not English).

Also, Rotary had organized an event for us exchange students in our district. It involved taking tours of things in our area around Sabi and Jaca, so all of the students came to stay with us Sabi kids.

This also means that they got to see me act in the play! We all went out after, but still had to wake up early the next morning to tour a monastery.

They had some very interesting replicas of objects and people that helped bring the building to life.

This cup is also apparently the Holy Grail.

I think it's amazing that the monks built the monastery  up against the rock instead of cutting into it. It makes for some breathtaking scenery.

We also went to visit an old abandoned village. The church is the most intact of all the buildings, but it's still at the brink of collapsing.

 However, that doesn't keep this baby owl from sleeping inside the doorway. (Sorry about the picture quality)

 After walking all day, we came back to Sabi. Some of us didn't go out that night, and most of those who did didn't stay out too long. We were all decently tired from walking, and we had to wake up the next morning to walk even more.

Sunday morning we drove to a park (I guess it was a National Park of sorts), and went for a hike. This particular part of the Pyrenees has a lot of waterfalls, so even though my feet ached all the way up the trail, the views were worth it.

Also, the water was freezing because the river is coming directly from the icy mountain peaks. Absolutely amazing, to say the least.

Though the adventures were fun, and definitely worth the blisters, the best part was getting to know all of those kids in theater, and reconnecting with the other exchange students; some of which I only saw two weeks ago, and other that I haven't seen since Orientation.

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