Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Pictures and Processions

 On Sunday we went to Zaragoza, but Santi and I went a little further, Teruel to be specific. There were motorcycle races at the track there, and I figured, why not?

 It was actually pretty cool, and a little different from watching race cars.

Yesterday, Grace's and my host families took us to Jaca to see the procesion there. That was an amazing cultural experience. Though I found the masks to be a bit intimidating, it was nothing compared to the noise. The sounds of the drums were deafening!

 If you look carefully, you can see all of the people playing drums. Even those kids are part of the procession; playing drums, too.

 I cannot tell you how amazing these floats are, and they are all carried by people. The ones in Jaca are small compared to the ones in larger cities, and each one of these "small" floats takes 24 people to lift!

 The previous float was of Jesus carrying his cross. This one is of the Virgin Mary.

Just to demonstrate how heavy these floats actually are, here's a little video...

Another great thing about this time of year is the candy shops! This carousel is absolutely amazing, and entirely chocolate!!!

I even got to try one of the chocolate eggs! Totally worth the exchange weight.

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