Monday, February 3, 2014

Everybody's Birthday!

You know how you have several weeks where absolutely nothing interesting in the slightest happens? Then suddenly, the next week, everything happens? That week was this week.

The week kicked off with Alex's birthday. My host family went over to her house after dinner to wish her a happy birthday and enjoy some delicious cake. Tuesday was my host mom's birthday so we went out for tapas for dinner so she didn't have to cook. Wednesday was Jen's birthday, and Friday was Grace's birthday. For Grace's birthday, us exchange students and the girls from school gathered at her house where we goofed around and ate an American style birthday cake. Alex, Grace, and I wanted to head over to Zaragoza this weekend and celebrate Jen's birthday too, but this weekend we were all changing host families. In short, we were just too busy packing and moving houses to make something work.

Earlier this week I also filmed my audition in order to get into the music program at my college. For anyone that's curious, you can watch it here.

Also, on Thursday Alex, Grace, and I had to go to Huesca for a Rotary thing. It was El Dia del Paz (The Day of Peace). Basically, we had to stand in front of a monument while people gave speeches and a school choir sang a lovely song about world peace. Grace even gave a short speech about her exchange year. After that we went out to lunch with our Rotary counselors and stopped by some shops before heading back to the bus station and buying our tickets back to Sabi.

This weekend, like I mentioned above, we had to switch host families. Everyone agreed it was sort of pointless because the three of us were just switching among our current host families. I had to move into Alex's house, so I basically moved 30 yards down the street. Grace moved into my house and I helped her unpack because Alex's host family had gone to Zaragoza for the day. This is one of the reasons I haven't been able to write this post until now. The other reason was that throughout this week I have become progressively more ill. By the time Sunday (moving day) had rolled around I was very feverish and achy. I was far too exhausted to unpack last night, or finish a blog post.

I apologize if parts of this post are poorly constructed because I'm too tired to edit. I skipped school today, slept all morning between hacking fits, and didn't really start moving around until 5 in the afternoon. I hope I'm better by tomorrow, but I'm not looking forward to unpacking.

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