Friday, May 24, 2019

A Change of Seasons

May 3rd

Though it is still barely spring back in Wisconsin, it is now summer here. Summer comes quickly to Almeria. Suddenly, one day, you wake up to find that you have kicked off all of your blankets in the middle of the night and the forecast calls for 80 degrees and sunny all day. Today, it is cloudy and a little cooler, but it hasn't stopped me from wearing shorts and a t-shirt.

Next weekend my roommate and I are going on a weekend trip to London to see Stonehenge and a Shakespeare play at the New Globe Theatre, among other things. I have been working on preparations for the trip. Though there won't be any language barrier, London is a very big city and everything from currency to electrical outlets are different, so I am trying to minimize the chance that we will be lost or inconvenienced during our trip.

I have also purchased my return flight to the States, but I still have not heard from the government about whether or not I will be staying in the same school next year. I'm waiting impatiently for any news.

During Semana Santa (Holy Week) I had an entire week of vacation from work, so I took advantage of it. I traveled to places I had never been to in Spain, and I even found time to visit Tangier in Morocco. My first stop on my vacation was Valencia. Valencia was originally a Roman city founded a little over two thousand years ago. It later became an important port city up until the conquest of the Americas.

Tasty tapas

Amazing views of the city from the cathedral.
I spy a Holy Grail.



I also enjoyed Valencia's beautiful beaches.

My next stop on my trip was Tangier, Morocco. However, this would not be the end of my adventures in Valencia.


The Hercules Cave

The best chicken I have had in a year.

Chefchaouen (a.k.a The Blue City)


I also found a lot of sea glass while exploring the beaches in Tangier.


Thought my four days in Tangier were wonderful, I had to return to Valencia to take care of some Wizarding business. On my first day in Valencia I had discovered something unexpected. The Harry Potter Exhibition was coming to town. Not only that, this was opening week! I even adjusted my afternoon plans just to make sure I had enough time to see the exhibition! The lighting in the exhibition was a little dark, so not all of my pictures turned out, but the entire experience was very detailed and well themed. It was amazing to see all of the care that was put into it. Naturally, I acted like a geek the entire time.



One of the Ford Anglia's that were used in the films!

I even got myself a little "Easter" chocolate treat!

The last stop on my trip was Alicante, a halfway point between Valencia and Almeria. I had planned to go to the small city of Alicante to enjoy the beaches and Easter festivities. Unfortunately, the weather did not cooperate. The entire weekend, from Maunday Thursday to Easter Sunday, it was cold and rainy. Though my plans of having a beach holiday did not pan out, I still enjoyed visiting the historical sites in Alicante.


Overall, I was really happy with my Easter vacation, even if things didn't work out exactly as I planned, there were some wonderful surprises that I am happy I got to experience.

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