Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Secretly...I'm Exhausted!

Well, this is the long-awaited late blog post about Madrid.

As the holiday season has settled upon us and Christmas Day draws closer, I finally feel myself getting into the holiday spirit, at last! It took several hours of baking sugar cookies, two Glee Christmas specials, one Doctor Who Christmas special in Spanish, and several hours of listening to Christmas music, but I'm finally starting to feel all warm and fuzzy inside. It will be even better once we get the tree up.

Over the weekend, as I've been announcing for weeks, I went on a class trip to Madrid. On Saturday we woke up insanely early to get on a bus at 7 in the morning in order to spend 5 hours driving to Madrid. When we got there and got all our luggage up to our rooms, we split up into groups and wandered around trying to find a place to eat lunch. After that we joined up in a plaza and headed to an art museum called Prado. For dinner my friends in my class found a nice pizza place that I enjoyed a lot, and then we hung out at a bar until we had to meet up with the rest of our class again to head back to our rooms.

Sunday morning we woke up early again to eat breakfast. Then we had a few hours of down time before we split off into two groups. The group I was with went to La Reina Sophia which is a very large art museum that houses a lot of works by Salvador Dali and Pablo Picasso among other things. I got to see the "Guernica" in real life, which I highly suggest doing because photographs don't give it justice. As much as I love art museums, there is a lot of walking and standing involved in going to visit one, so after two days of that on top of walking all over Madrid, I was thoroughly exhausted. Fortunately, the agenda for that evening was going to see a play titled "Montenegro" in a very nice theater. It was very interesting, but I can't exactly explain what it was all about because the plot was very complicated and the language was very complex. Imagine yourself watching a Shakespeare play you know nothing about in a foreign language and you can get the idea of what I felt like. However, I do have to say that the actors were spectacular! Absolutely stunning!

Monday morning we woke up early, of course, and we took a tour of the theater we had gone to the previous night. I was really excited about the tour because I absolutely love being back stage. I always feel really comfortable back stage, but it also gives me a bit of a rush at the same time, if that makes sense.

Finally, we piled back onto our bus, stopped at a bus stop for lunch, and finally headed home. I didn't get back until about 9:30 that night. It was a long weekend, but I absolutely loved it. It gave me some special time to bond with my classmates in an environment that wasn't a crazy fiesta with bad music.

I didn't actually take any pictures because all of the places we visited (art museums and theaters) were all no photography places.

That pretty much sums up my entire weekend. Now that I'm into the holiday spirit I can't wait to post more Christmas related materials.

Feliz Navidad!

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