Only a few more weeks left before I ship myself off to Sabinanigo, Spain in the lovely Pirenes Mountains. It's still all a little surreal right now. Seems like the orientation for all of us Outbounds in district 6270 late last year was only a month ago. I've made so many fantastic friends through this program, most of which have already started their adventures in new and exciting places. I miss you guys already.
It's truly amazing to think of how far we've come throughout these long months of paperwork, conferences, Rotary Club meetings, and waiting. I realized very early on in the process of becoming a Rotary Youth Exchange Student that I had to put my fate in the hands of many people I didn't know and might never meet. Many of my friends staying in the U.S. agree that it is a little crazy, but they are excited for me just the same. Their support, and the support of my family has really helped me through.
Fortunately, all of the major and/ or legal things are taken care of now. All that remains is a slowly lengthening to-do list involving tasks like sorting through my clothes and purchasing a years supply of deodorant.
Well, I guess that's about it for now. Happy travels, everyone!