Wednesday, July 27, 2016

An Open Letter

Hello everyone. I know I haven't posted since the end of my Spain exchange two years ago, but I am about to embark on another year long exchange adventure and therefore have decided to start posting regularly once again. This time I will be living in Lima, Peru and attending a university in the city.

My bags are packed, my itinerary is set, and tomorrow I will drive to the airport where my parents will see me off while this strange dejavu continues. However, I have fewer obstacles to tackle this time around. The biggest difference is that my Spanish skills have improved to the point where a language barrier is basically nonexistent. Even then, I still consider myself far from fluent.

But the most difficult thing for me is saying goodbye to all of you. Whether you are family who has followed this blog from the beginning or a friend who has joined me along the way, thank you for taking interest in my life, your support, and your friendship. I will miss you all.

See you next year,
